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Sunday, July 31, 2011

Tired of Reading?

I just want to ask, has anybody (fellow book bloggers, especially) been tired of reading lately?
No offense to all of the authors out there who has sent me their books. I read them all. They're good. You've tried your best, thank you very much for letting me read them.

But they tend to have similar storyline lately, don't they?

Honestly, ever since Twilight came out, everything that covered the Teen sections in bookstores are all paranormal/dark romance. Yeah, it's interesting, but I kind of miss the simple, pure and innocent crush-stories.

I know that the normal love stories are still out there, it's just that the majority of what I've been reading are SIMILAR.

Like everything's based on Romeo and Juliet (the 'star-crossed lovers' part)...

I'm not dissing any of these books. Anybody understand what I mean...?


  1. I personally dont get tired of reading but i do know what your saying and i have noticed that almost all books now have to starcross lovers. I usally read a mixer of both dystopian and paranormal so it doesnt bother me but i think i would go crazy if i coulnt read. But i have to put my reading on hold after divergin so i can do my summer reading.....

    Plz like my blog!

  2. I find myself reading less and less lately. Not that I still don't see books I'm excited about it's just hard to sit still and read. Once I start then I don't want to start. It's the starting that is difficult.

  3. I'm tired reading series, though. In fact, I'm scared whenever a former stand alone book soon will have another sequel.


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